How amazing are these leather over the knee boots ! Want you to advice me 2 !!!!! So which one do you prefer ? The first one is not available in black any more ! But do you like them in brown 2 ? Thanks for stopping and give me your opinion !! And don't forget to see my other post about shoes as I'll be grateful to you having your advices to me ! I will really appreciate !
Bon, maintenant j'aurais besoin de vos conseils concernant ces bottes !! Lesquelles préférez-vous ? J'aime bien les premières mais elles ne sont plus disponibles en noir !!!!!! Pourquoi dois-je toujours m'y prendre tardivement ! Bref, vous me direz et n'oubliez pas svp de regarder mon autre post où j'ai besoin également de vos précieux conseils concernant les "shoes" !
Pues yo me quedo con las primeras, me gustá más el color y el modelo ya me contarás al final cual compras! ¿no eres española verdad?
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Men and women adore having a shoes as they give both grace and fashion. Shoes which were believed popular in the past seem trendy and modern, are viewed modern nowadays and will definitely be considered modern even in future.
RépondreSupprimerevening shoes